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Enable or maintain these functions with the Domain Manager

Edit Manage Contact Information

Edit -
Update User Account Information  - Change Mailing Address, Email Address, Password.

When you first register a domain, your account information is used to define the Owner, Admin, and Billing Contacts for domains that you register.

To change your account information
1.  Click Manage, and log in to your account.
2.  Click Account Information.
3.  Make the required changes to any of the fields.
If you make a mistake, click Cancel to change the information back to its last saved state.
Note: The phone number must be in the format +CCC.NNNNNNNNNNNNxEEEE where C is the Country code, N is the number, and E is the extension.
4.  Click Save
You do not have to use your home address when you enter your contact information; however, according to ICANN policy, the address that you specify must be a valid address. If you don't want to use your home address, you can use your business address instead.

Note: If you use invalid contact information, your domain registration may be terminated.

Change your Password

Enter old password, and new password and reenter new password. 

This process cannot be undone.  Make sure to select a password you will remember.  Good passwords should be 8 or more characters long, including 1 number and 1 alpha character.

Edit - Update Domain Name Contact Information (Owner, Admin, Billing, Tech)

When you first register a domain, the information that you supplied when you set up your account is used to define the contact information for any domains that you register. You can change the Owner, Admin, Billing, and Tech Contact information for a domain through the Domain Manager.

Make sure to always have a valid email address for your domains.  All renewal notices, registration confirmations, etc from DomainsNext are sent to the email address in the whois record for your domain.  The email address and other account information can be updated by you at any time using the Domain Manager. 

To edit contact information

  1. Click Manage, and log in to your account.
  2. Beside the domain whose contact information you want to change, click Contacts.
  3. Make the required changes to the contact information.
  4. Optionally, click Use contact privacy to hide your identity (address, phone number, email address) when a WHOIS lookup is done on your domain name.
  5. Click Save.

Note: When you change your contact information, the change is reflected in any new domain registrations, but it is not automatically propagated to the contact information for existing domains.

Contact Privacy

Contact Privacy is a service that hides your identity (address, phone number, email address) whenever a WHOIS lookup is done on your domain name.

You can add Contact Privacy when you register your domain, or when you renew or edit your domain.

Note: There is a small annual fee for the Contact Privacy service.

When you register or renew a domain, Contact Privacy is selected by default and added to your shopping cart. Contact Privacy is charged on a per year basis, so the price you see depends on the registration or renewal term that you choose. If you don't want to add Contact Privacy, simply remove the checkmark in your shopping cart to deselect it; your price will be adjusted accordingly.

To add Contact Privacy to an existing domain

Click Manage, and log in to your account.
Beside the domain to which you want to add Contact Privacy, click Contacts.
At the bottom of the page, click where indicated to purchase Contact Privacy.
Review your shopping cart, and then click Done.
On the Summary page, enter your payment information, and then click Buy Now to complete the process.