
The domain name was registered in 1998.   The name has hundreds of uses.  Sac, as a single word, has over 217,000,000 searches on Google.  See below all the different businesses, services, etc that SAC is an acronym for.

Starting Bid:  At this time we are offering the domain name for $125,000.  If you wish to make an offer on the domain name, please provide a CV about your company.  We only respond to principals who are affiliated with major companies.

  • Buyer must provide seller with references or documentation to show their ability to make such a purchase

Domain Name Investing
Domain name registration is becoming one of the top and cheapest ways to make money while investing so little.  There is no other investment today available for the general public that matches the return you can realize by registering a domain name.  You must understand, however, that very few registered domain names are sold for a profit.  If you know the basics, and have the knowledge necessary, you should be able to create a domain name which is worth substantially more than what you paid to register it.  There are many websites that exist on the Internet that publish the realized prices for the top resold domain names.  Just do a search on Google for aftermarket domain name sales. 



Strategic Air Command (now Air Combat Command; US Air Force)
Student Activities Center
Sacagawea dollar coin
Sacatepéquez (Guatemala, territorial division)
Sacramento, California - Executive (airport code)
Safety Advisory Committee
Saguaro Astronomy Club
Sales Acquisition Cost
San Antonio College (TX, USA)
Sanctuary Advisory Council
Satellite Access Controller
Satellite de Aplicaciones Cientificas
Scene-Of-Action Commander
School Advisory Council
School Assessed Coursework
School-Age Care
Schweizer Aircraft Corporation (Elmira, NY)
Schweizer Alpen Club (German: Swiss Alps Club)
Science Advisory Committee
Science Application Computer
Scientific Advisory Council
Scoot A Cheek (make space for someone to sit)
Scottish Agricultural College (UK)
Scottish Automobile Club
Scriptomatic Addressing Computer
SEAOC ATC CUREe (steel project)
Seasonal Allergic Conjunctivitis
Second Axial Carrier
Secret Agent Clan (gaming group)
Sectional Aeronautical Chart (VFR chart for pilots)
Secure Authenticated Channel
Self-Aligned Contact
Semi-Anechoic Chamber
Senate Appropriations Committee (US)
Senior Acquisition Course
Senior Advisory Council
Senior Agent in Charge
Senior Aircraftman (Royal Air Force rank)
Service Application Code
Serviço de Atendimento Ao Cliente (Brazil)
Sexual Assault Centre (University of Aberta, Canada)
Sexual Assault Counsellor
Shanghai Agriculture Commission
Shelby American Inc. (car manufacturer)
Shipbuilding Association of Canada (Association de la Construction Navale du Canada)
Short Access Code
Short Arm Cast (cast that extends from the knuckles to just below the elbow)
Sikorsky Aircraft Company
Simple API for CSS
Simplified Access Control
Singapore Adventurers' Club (Singapore)
Single Agency Check
Single Annular Combustor
Single Attachment Concentrator (FDDI)
Sisters of the Guardian Angel (religious order)
Site Access Computer (Sprint)
Site Activation Command
Slovak American Club
Small Agency Council
Small Animal Clinic
SMS Administration Center (Bellcore)
Sn/Ag/Cu (Tin/Silver/Copper alloy)
Soaring Association of Canada
Society of Aerospace Communicators
Society of American Foresters
Society of Catholic Apostolate, Pallotines (religious order)
Solar Array Carrier
Sooner Athletic Conference (NAIA)
Sorry Ass Clan (gaming clan)
South Atlantic Conference
Southern Air Command
Space Activities Commission
Space Applications Center (India)
Space Applications Centre
Special Abilities Cluster (education)
Special Agent in Charge
Special Agricultural Committee (UK)
Special Area Code
Special Area for Conservation
Special Area of Conservation (land designation)
Special Assignment Classroom
Sport Activity Coupe (BMW)
Spring Arbor College (Michigan, USA)
Sprint Attended Conferencing
St Andrew's Cathedral (Singapore)
St. Andrew's College (Ontario, Canada)
St. Anthony's College (San Jose, Antique, Philippines)
Stamford Athletic Club (Connecticut)
Stand Alone Complex (Ghost in the Shell anime)
Standard Activity Category
Standard Aircraft Characteristics
Standard Asset Customer
Standards Advisory Committee
Start Air Compressor
State Advisory Council
Statements of Accounting Concepts
Statistical Analysis Center
Steel Advisory Committee
Steep and Cheap
Storage Access Channel/Control
Store And Clear Accumulator
Stores Account Code
Strategic Analysis Corporation
Strict Access Criterion
Strict Avalanche Criterion
Structural Adjustment Credit (World Bank preferential loan for restructuring program)
Student Activities Committee
Student Activities Council
Student Administrative Council
Student Advisory Council
Student Assistance Counselor
Subject Advisory Committee
Subnet Access Controller
Subscriber Access Control
Subscriber Acquisition Cost
Substance Abuse Council/Counselor
Suggestion Award Committee
Sulfuric Acid Concentrate
Summary Alarm Contacts (Ciena)
Summit Athletic Conference (Fort Wayne, IN, USA)
Sunset Athletic Club
Supplier Assurance Contract
Supply Administration Center
Supply Availability Card
Support Aviation Company
Supporting Arms Coordinator
Supreme Allied Commander
Supreme Antiquities Council
Surface Air Consumption (diving term for gas consumption at 1ATM)
Surface Air Consumption (SCUBA diving)
Surface Aviation Conference
Suspended and Canceled Pesticides
Sveriges Arbetares Centralorganisation (Swedish)
Swiss Alpine Club
Syariah Advisory Council (Malaysia)
Symmetry Adapted Cluster
Symposium on Applied Computing (ACM Symposium)
Synchronous to ATM Conversion (AT&T)
System Architecture Concept
System Automation and Control
Systematic Authentication Code
Systems Automation Course